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SWS Ceramic Instant Water Purifier

Original price was: ₦5,000.00.Current price is: ₦4,450.00.


  • It is easy to fix or install directly on the tap
  • Removes harmful pollutants such as worms, algae, heavy metals, etc
  • Once installed, no need to buy pure water as you get clean water thereby reducing the budget on water
  • Filter can be repeatedly cleaned and easy to fix
  • Great value for money

This high quality, Healthy and Hygienic Instant Water Purifier cleanses water and make it hygienic for safe consumption. The healthy, clean and hygienic water filter can be repeatedly cleaned and is easy to replace, filtered water and unfiltered water easily switched. This water purifier machine / filter removes water contaminants that are mostly in underground water or public water systems such as rusts, contaminants, worms, residual chlorine, algae disinfection by-products, parasites, heavy metal ions, dirt and dust. Please note that it is very easy to fix even if you are not familiar with fixing plumbing items.

It effectively filters water parasites, suspended sediment and other pollutants. It also effectively remove the bacteria, algae, solubility of chlorine and harmful heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chromium, etc.) present in the water supply.

Weight 0.4 kg


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